Equity in Schools
What is The Equity in Schools Study?
Beloved Community is studying best practices, accountability measures, and trends in eliminating structural racism & bias in schools across the US. The Equity in School study has two research purposes:
1.) Validate the Awa Equity Audit for use with different types of schools and school networks.
2.) Identify the ways that school communities respond to, and prioritize change based on their Equity Audit results.
As a result, this research process will provide clarity on the utilization of the Equity Audit tool and/or changes to the tool for school use. A secondary result of this research project will be that federal, state, and local agencies would be able to adopt research-based tools and standards to audit the DEI practice and progress of charter schools in their portfolios.
This study has been made possible by a 3-year research grant from the Walton Family Foundation to contribute to the growing body of research on Diverse-by-Design (DbD) charter schools. Studies indicate that state authorized bodies are approving charter school proposals at a rate of 64% - higher than any other school model. While research about traditional integrated schools and charter schools reference an increase in academic outcomes for youth, there are no valid and reliable tools to investigate how these schools are evaluating themselves against key non-academic outcomes such as diversity, equity, and inclusion.
To learn more about this study, Click Here to view the full research brief.
Why Should You Join?
Free Resources
After completing the Awa Equity Audit, your school will receive three free detailed reports over the next three years.
Tools Beyond the Study
Using the data we gather from participating schools, we will develop a cost-free racial equity toolkit. This comprehensive product will include policy recommendations, resources and best practices.
Participate & Win
After completing your Awa Equity Audit, your school will be entered into a lottery to win $5,000, $10,000, or up to $15,000 for operating costs, teacher PD, school equipment, or other educational resources.
No Cost DEI Expertise
Our expert Beloved Community consultants build and deliver each Detailed Report custom for your school. Schools that complete the audit that meet the study's eligibility criteria may also be offered a deeper dive site visit and consultation with our team.
What Will We Do With Your Data?
Focus on the relationship between each participating school’s Equity Audit and academic performance for different student groups.
Identify trends in diversity, equity, or inclusion indicator performance for diverse-by-design schools.
Determine the common priorities that school communities set for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion within their campuses.
Provide schools with sample guiding indicators to make meaning of the data and strategies to impact student outcomes.