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Interrogating Inaccuracies: Hate Crime Data and APIDA Communities.
Anti-Asian violence is rarely categorized as a hate crime by law enforcement. In fact, it is worth noting that the very process of determining what constitutes a hate crime is deeply flawed, revealing how various legal institutions play crucial roles in reinforcing identity hierarchies and dismissing the intersectionality that shapes people’s lives.

Multiple Truths
People often don’t make space for the existence of others’ experiences due to a real fear of a false assumption: that doing so will erase the existence of their own experiences.

APIDA Complexities: Learning, Unlearning, Relearning
Domestic (to the United States) and global APIDA communities are complex and diasporic. In order to dismantle anti-Asian violence, we must start by disaggregating and differentiating Asian identities, experiences, and cultures that typically get lumped together and create dangerous monoliths. The mythology of the model minority is one of those monoliths. The model minority myth asserts that the “Asian community” is high achieving and successful, positioning them as an exemplar for other BIPOC to emulate.

Global History of White Supremacy and Anti-Blackness.
Dr. Isabel Wilkerson calls the U.S. a caste system because of the racial hierarchy people in power invented. In this hierarchy, Black people and people close to Blackness are positioned at the bottom, white people and those in proximity to whiteness at the top, and all other racial groups are categorized according to this dichotomy.

Xenophobia and Racism Are Nothing New to the United States: a Critical Lens on Anti-Asian Hate.
Beloved Community stands in solidarity with our Asian, Pacific Islander & Desi American (APIDA) community. We are united against racism and hate crimes that kill communities of color. Full stop. Period. Xenophobia and racism are American pastimes.